Undying Love: The Shocking True Key West Story of A Passion That Defied Death
Carl von Cosel was a German immigrant who worked as a technician in a Key West tubercular ward. When a beautiful young woman, Elena Milagro Hoyos, was brought in with an advanced case of tuberculosis, von Cosel—a self-named count—was determined to cure her with his own unconventional methods. Elena eventually succumbed to the fatal diseases, and the Count was heartbroken, for despit her rebuffs, he has fallen madly in love with the fetching Latina.\nFor two years, von Cosel worshiped her grave—until he could stand it no longer. One moonless night, he exhumed Elena's decomposing body and took it home with him. Through an elaborate embalming process, von Cosel managed to preserve the corpse from further decay and even garishly dressed it up to become his eternal bride. In their macabre marriage bed, von Cosel made love to his mummified wife and kept her shriveled corpse for eight years... until his twisted crime was discovered!