The Uncomfortable History of Christianity
This book details the dramatic changes to Christian theology from Early Christianity into the Renaissance. Once, Art, Science, and Religion were one. But, by the time of the Renaissance, they had split apart. When Christianity began, the door to experiencing the spiritual world had shut. Materialism ruled. Even dreams no longer provided sound spiritual guidance. The mystery centers themselves, were no longer able to bring students to full initiation. When we look at the Golden Age of Greece, before Rome and Christianity had entered the stage of history, we find that humanity believed that they were guided by inspirations attained through their ancient mystery centers. Such centers were found everywhere in the ancient world. This book traces this history, through the time when Christianity essentially became the religion of the Roman Empire to well after Rome fell and when the Church drifted deep into corruption. We explore the multiple Christianities and the brutality that many faced who had not become part of the Orthodox and later the Roman Catholic Church. It is indeed an uncomfortable history for what is called Christianity.