Golden-Brown Indian Girl: A Small Voice Gets LOUDER
Golden-Brown Indian Girl: A Small Voice Gets LOUDER by Donna F. Council is the true story of what happened to the author as a child when she and four of her six sisters were taken away from their parents in the 1960s and put in a boarding school run by the Catholic Church on the Yankton Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Donna Council documents the severe abuse that she and countless other Native children endured in such institutions as sanctioned by the US Bureau of Indian Affairs since the early 1800s. She describes her lifelong efforts to understand why this happened to her family and her continuing attempts to heal from the ongoing trauma from experiences that none of the people involved, perpetrators or victims, were willing to talk about. The author brings the truth to light in an effort to find healing for herself and for the still-living survivors who are now elders in the Native community.