Show Your Worth, Girl: Be Bold, Speak Up, and Be Heard: Teen Inspirations, Hints, Tips, and Truths (Sister to Sister Series)
... Being a teen girl is just plain confusing. Everyone tells you to be yourself but then they want you to be like Ariana Grande. (Alica)\n... A lot of times when you feel depressed people will tell you to get over it or just stop being depressed. Take it from me, depression is serious. Tell a close teacher or parent that you need to talk to someone. (Madeline)\nAs a teen girl, do you often compare yourself to others on social media and think you're not good enough? Do you wish you had more courage to speak up and be heard? SHOW YOUR WORTH, GIRL can't change the world, but it will make you think twice about yourself and your future.\nSHOW YOUR WORTH, GIRL can inspire you to: Find your inner power to increase your courage and limit self-doubt. Take control of your thoughts and feelings. Laugh at being a teenage girl in a complicated society. Express yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin. Know that you are intelligent, beautiful, and unique. Have the courage to become whatever you dream.SHOW YOUR WORTH, GIRL, for teens ages 11-17 is an engaging 6 x 6-inch INSTAGRAPHIC, perfectly sized to tuck in your purse and backpack and read when your phone is on low power. Dive in, pick a few pages at random, or read the pages backward. Whatever your method for reading this book you will gain the same nuggets of inspiration, tips, hints, and truths that cover a wide range of themes; from gaining more self-confidence, surviving anxiety and high school to self-advocating for what you're truly worth.\nPARENTS, GUARDIANS, TEACHERS, COACHES, AND COUNSELORS:
Purchase Show Your Worth, Girl for your daughters, nieces, students, and athletes to help them feel confident and secure while navigating school, friends, family, career choices, and other challenges. Thisinspirational book is a perfect birthday or graduation gift for any teen girl on your list.\nContents include: #GirlPower TIPS Motivating Inspirations Temperature Checks Text Messages from Emma Head-Turning Stats That moment when… Pop Quizzes Infamous Womantoons and more!