Cancel the Culture: Securing Our Identity as Christians
Isn't it about time for Christians to stop playing the victim? Stop whining. Stop playing defense. Stop living like the world, and start being different. Strong. Powerful. Set apart unto the Lord.God has called us to be holy. We are not called to be like the culture. Jesus has commissioned us to reach the culture for Him. But we can't do that by looking, sounding, and acting just like the culture.While the culture has sought to cancel Christians and Christianity, the truth is that we should have canceled many things about the world's culture a long time ago. We have to break the strongholds of culture's influence over us as a holy people.In Cancel the Culture, Bishop Lambert will exhort you with a different challenge for every month of the year: ? Be different on social media? Pull away from the spirit of materialism? Rid yourself of the influence of pornographic material? Get free of the deceptive trap of the world's entertainment? Pursue unity over division? Protect yourself and loved ones from dark forces in online gaming? Avoid the pitfalls of secular education? Overcome the largely ignored sin of gluttony? Understand and pursue true holiness? Stop idolizing Christian leaders? Move past treating church like a social club? Make sure you aren't substituting religion for a relationship with the One True GodWe are not going to reach the culture if we are living just like them. We have to be different to make a difference!Are you ready to take the challenge?