An Agni Yoga Anthology
“Early in the twenties, the Himalayan Brotherhood appointed Helena and Nicholas Roerich, the high Initiates of that Stronghold of Light, to serve as guides and spiritual leaders in bringing the Teaching of Living Ethics, also known as Agni Yoga, to mankind in this Era.
“They came to America, and a small group gathered around them, receiving daily guidance for the understanding of the essence of that Teaching. They were taught to refine their senses and to expand their consciousness. Responsibilities and tasks were entrusted to each member in accordance with their abilities and the level of perception. Self-discipline was practiced together with co-measurement. A whole new world of knowledge and beauty was revealed to them, and the need of applying the principles of Living Ethics in life became paramount.”
An Agni Yoga Anthology,volumes 1 and 2, provides a unique collection of articles and essays, which were published in Agni Yoga Quarterly by the White Mountain Education Association, Inc., between the years 2016 to 2022. Rich in history, readers will experience the wisdom and insights of Nicholas and Helena Roerich, and their sons, George and Svetoslav, as well as hear from notable voices who have made their mark upon the world of Agni Yoga from the twentieth century to now. Each volume is presented in three sections: Agni Yoga – The Abode of Light, Talks on Agni, and Realms of Beauty.
The Teachings of Agni Yoga is the yoga of Living Ethics, the Teaching of Life. It is a Teaching that generously offers spiritual disciplines to practice; the science of life to contemplate; exploration in an understanding of art, beauty, and culture; an education to direct one’s thinking toward immortality and the continuity of life; and insight into the higher spheres of life, higher thought, joy, and the future.
For Agni Yoga enthusiasts and spiritual students on the Path, the Teachings of Agni Yoga presented within make An Agni Yoga Anthology an invaluable and timeless compendium.