APEX: How to Work From Home and Make 6 Figures as an Apex Developer
Apex is THE most lucrative programming language in the business world. You know why? Because it's connected to the most powerful and most popular Cloud CRM Platform in the world. Learning Apex not only makes you one of the most sought after programmers by businesses all over, but you join one of the most elite group of developers in the business world. In the first part of this book you will be introduced to Salesforce objects, fields, records and tabs. You'll also learn how to use the developer console to debug your Apex code, analyze logs, run queries, tests and more. You then learn the basic programming concepts of Apex Triggers and Classes including writing methods, working with variables, data types, lists and loops, and how to interact with Salesforce records using SOQL, SOSL and DML. As you progress through the book, you will learn how to:- Use powerful tools such as Developer Console and Visual Studio Code- Create Apex Triggers and Classes using the Apex Programming language- Interact with Salesforce data using SOQL, SOSL and DML- Learn how to write test classes for your Apex Triggers and Classes and migrate your code to production- This book also includes best practices as well as information on resources you can use If you've been thinking about programming but not sure which language to learn, start with Apex! You won't find a more in demand programming skill that you can get started with very fast! What are you waiting for? Get started today!