Trees and Thorns: Studies in the First Four Chapters of Genesis
Review "Like everything Jim wrote, Trees and Thorns helps us see through new eyes-to see the whole world and its history refracted in the everyday contrast between fruitful trees and bramble bushes. These essays don't just teach us how to see. They teach us how to be. They're full of cautions: Watch out for the thorns. They're full of exhortations: Be a tree of life, planted by rivers of water, giving fruit and bearing leaves for the healing of nations," - Peter J. Leithart, President of Theopolis Institute, author of Matthew Through New Eyes: Jesus as Israel (Athanasius Press), Revelation (T&T Clark International Theological Commentary), and more."Genesis is one of the longest books of the Bible and a commentator who wants to discuss everything will find that he has used up his page limit before he has gotten far into the book. Who has time and space enough to talk at length about gardens and sweat and noses and so on? There is a place for a commentary, even a relatively detailed commentary, that takes the reader through the whole book with what Calvin referred to as "lucid brevity." But there is also a place-and not only a place, but a great need-for someone to spend time on the small details that such a commentary might easily gloss over, to compare Scripture with Scripture, to tease out of the text of Scripture things we might otherwise miss as we hurry on to the next verse." - John Barach, author, editor of Trees and Thorns, co-editor of The Glory of Kings: A Festschrift in Honor of James B. Jordan. Product Description "Adam, made of the ground, would by implication bring forth new trees, and thus trees and plants are among the symbols for human beings throughout the Bible. The woman taken from Adam's side was the first such tree. She would have a 'seed, ' language taken from the trees and plants of Gen. 1:11-12. Her womb would yield 'fruit' (Gen. 30:2). Like the soil on the original third day, the Adamic soil brought forth a plant seeding seed and trees that had fruit with seed in her."- From Trees and Thorns: Studies in the First Four Chapters of GenesisPresented for the first time in one volume, Trees and Thorns: Studies in the First Four Chapters of Genesis compiles studies from James B. Jordan on more than 130 aspects of stories in the first four chapters of the Book of Genesis, including observations about the biblical distinction between man and woman, ground water and heavenly water, permission and prohibition, the war waged by the Serpent against the Bride and the Messianic Seed, and more.Jordan's book shows how the narrative features and patterns in the early chapters of the Bible are critical to understanding the rest of God's Word as well as the effect of these formative chapters on our understanding of worship, theology, and the sacraments. About the Author James B. Jordan was born in 1949. His father was a professor of French Literature and his mother a piano teacher and a poet. He served as a Military Historian in the US Air Force for four years. He began seminary training at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS, and graduated with an M.A.R. and a Th.M. from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, majoring in Systematic Theology. In 1987 he founded Biblical Horizons, presently located in Niceville, FL. Beginning in 1999, Jordan served part time as Professor of Biblical Studies at the Reformed Theological Seminary of St. Petersburg, Russia. He is author of more than a dozen books, including From Bread to Wine: Creation, Worship and Christian Maturity, Christendom and the Nations as well as The Handwriting on the Wall: A Commentary on Daniel, as well as scores of monographs and short essays.