The Road to Sugar Loaf: A Suffragist's Story

The Road to Sugar Loaf: A Suffragist's Story image




Author(s): Eric T. Reynolds
Released: Jul 06, 2021
Format: Paperback, 304 pages
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Review\nAn often compelling historical overview..."--Kirkus Reviews\n"Full of characters who grow, evolve, and change their minds, readers who love an ensemble cast with a strong main character will enjoy Kathryn's story of triumph, as she stands in for so many women who organized and labored in their small towns to get suffrage for all women..Takeaway: This novel of a Kansas suffragist's climb toward justice emphasizes the hard work and conviction it takes to change minds."BookLife Reviews\nMASS MARKET Paperback Edition.
Follow Suffragist Kathryn Wolfe from 1894 to 1920 as she strives to hike a nearby tall hill despite a physical challenge, while at the same time works tirelessly alongside other suffragists toward passing Suffrage in Kansas and Washington, DC.\nKathryn and other Suffragists endure hardships, harassment, attacks, and brutality in prison as they fight for the Vote.

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