In Deep: A Fin Fleming Thriller
"...a stellar, pulse-pounding debut novel featuring a female underwater photographer. A heady mix of underwater adventure, mystery, and romance." - Hallie Ephron, New York Times bestselling author
"...In Deep delivers on twists and turns while introducing a phenomenal new protagonist in underwater photographer Fin Fleming, tough, perceptive and fearless." - Edwin Hill, author of The Secrets We Share\nFin Fleming is always in control when she's scuba diving--especially in her home base in the Cayman Islands. But on land, not so much. She has problems in every part of her life, from her scheming ex-husband to her new step-siblings and her career as chief underwater photographer at an oceanographic institute. She's got very few friends and no love life to speak of. But her troubles really escalate the day of the first accident...\nBuy In Deep to learn more.