The Negro Rulers of Scotland and the British Isles
Dr. Johnson's work has become vital for readers who seek an understanding of the origin of man, and Africa’s contribution to the Bible and Natural History. His research has polarized Africa as the birthplace of mankind, whom throughout the ages migrated to the remote regions on the earth. The author makes emphasis that during the great African migration, the concept of the wheel, mathematics, the alphabet, reading, writing, philosophy, science, astrology , astronomy, Fine Arts, family hierarchy, bureaucracy parentheses (government), king, queen, dynastic rule, huge universities, great cities and churches, were rudiments brought out of Africa and spread throughout the world; a marvelous accomplishment that led to the Ultra- structure of Western Civilization.This text highlights the earliest African rulers of Scotland, Southern Ireland and United Kingdom; a chronicle that focuses upon the Alpin Dynasty from Kenneth MacAlpin and his great-great-grandson Kenneth Dubh (Dub) or Kenneth the Niger (Black, Duff or Duffy ), whose descendants of different appearances continued to rule Scotland, England, Ireland and other nations of Europe, even until this day.