Training Your Mind for Split-Second Decisions: How One ER Doctor Shares His Strategy That Teaches Great Leaders to Make Excellent Decisions
We make about 35,000 decisions every day. Most of them are mundane and not significant, but about70 of those decisions are life-changing and life-altering split-second decisions. What are split-seconddecisions? They are decisions made when the following factors are involved: time constraint, limitedinformation, and critical consequences. This is also known as the TLC framework.In this book, you will learn:1. Specific strategies to improve and maximize your split-second decision-making ability.2. To manage decision fatigue, which is the decrease in your ability to make optimal decisions asthe day progresses, especially if you had to make several mundane decisions throughout theday.3. The required rules for making split-second decisions- i.e., no decision is a decision. You mustdecide.If you are an executive, business leader, chief, first responder, or in a leadership role, the framework forsplit-second decisions is a tool that gives you an advantage in making optimal decisions at the mostcritical times. When making split-second decisions, you have either been trained or you are guessing.The same is true for your employees and those you lead. They have either been taught and have a clearframework for what and how to respond during these critical times, or they are guessing.Split-second decisions teach extraordinary leaders how to make exceptional decisions and help movegood teams to greatness.