The Get Ready! Monthly Personal Finance Guidebook
Personalized Coaching throughout Your Entire Financial Year
The Get Ready Monthly Personal Finance Guidebook is a month-by-month fill-in guide that offers you checklists and notes pages critical to capturing the information you need most for your own financial first aid kit. Just like you would want to make sure your medical first aid kit is stocked with everything you need, this guidebook is a key item in your financial first aid kit to guarantee that you're financially ready for any situation or event.
Providing you with a year of guided financial direction, these pages will help you prepare for any financial emergency, organize your finances for your family members (in the event that you fall ill), have your documents ready when you're applying for a loan or filing taxes, and easily monitor your financial life. This is a monthly management guide that will show you how to get everything in order, so you can take good financial care of yourself and the people most important to you.
The guidebook serves as a financial companion to Get Ready : A Step-by-Step Planner for Maintaining Your Financial First Aid Kit. It can also be used on a stand-alone basis and is designed so that you can begin during any month of the year. Either way, you can follow its prompts and instructions from one year to the next, receiving coaching throughout your entire financial year.
Get Ready is the most comprehensive financial first aid system out there. It's financial-know-how + disaster preparedness, all in one system, and The Get Ready Monthly Personal Finance Guidebook offers you a simple, smart, hands-on approach to preparedness that puts you in charge of all the major aspects of your financial life.