Moon River
Successful female OB/GYN splinters emotionally during her own personal struggle with infertility, until she realizes prayerful submission to God is her only hope. Anne York and her husband, Gabe, confront impossible obstacles in trying to solve the problem of Anne's infertility. Their toughest difficulty arises on realizing they stand polar opposite on the radical and controversial practice of freezing embryos and then discarding them (having them killed) when they are no longer needed. Anne, in her condition as a backslidden Christian, has no problem with discarding (killing) unneeded embryos or even allowing them to be used in stem cell research. She grows more and more angry with Gabe for his increasing unwillingness to engage in radical fertility procedures. Anne comes to believe Gabe's opposition to putting unwanted embryos in mortal danger is the single most negating factor in her inability to become pregnant. She blames him for her distress, which undermines their relationship almost to permanent disintegration. At Anne's lowest point, she makes the conscious decision, along with the help of Reverend Seabrook, to take her sister, Elizabeth's, advice and give every problem in her fractured life over to God, which makes all the difference. Anne learns that with God, nothing is ever too late.