Coming On Christmas: Spiritual and Real-Life Inspiration for Those with Too Much to Do During the Month of December
When she came across an antique book called “The Christmas Makers Club,” Judy Copeland knew that this phrase described the December experience of many of her parishioners and friends. For those who create Christmas experiences for others, there is so much to do and so little time. And often, no time at all to attend to their own spiritual needs.
This is a book for those who crave deeper spiritual connections during the Christmas season but struggle to find them. Drawing on her own experiences, some lesser-known Christmas traditions, and the ancient biblical story, the author offers a daily reading for the first 25 days of December. Some days she takes up serious topics (Grieving at Christmas, Feeling Lonely at Family Gatherings), but other days, her approach is lighter and more humorous (Glitterhouses and Other Things I Will Never Make, Standing in Line at the Post Office).
The message is simple: We can find the true meaning of Christmas even in its broken parts and less than perfect celebrations.