Built Strong: 31 Keys To Spiritual Power
The Spirit speaks expressly in Scripture that "latter times" will be "hard times" and that spiritual strength will be required of God's people. Paul defines these challenging times in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 where the godlessness of the "last days" will increase to a level of fierceness never known on planet earth before. The Bible also declares that God will raise up His people to shine brightly and manifest His glory at the same time by preaching the Word with signs and wonders following to attract the masses to Christ. This new book entitled "Built Strong" contains 31 Keys To Spiritual Power because "power increases with spiritual maturity" that is a result of digesting the "strong meat" of God's Word. The apostolic teachings of Paul provide the nourishment for the overcoming spiritual life to those who desire to "be all and do all" that is possible for the follower of Christ.