This Is When We Begin to Fight: A Family's Battle Against Late-Term Abortion, Academia and Miscarriage at Home
Steve Karlen never expected to find himself in the middle of the most bitterly debated controversy in human history, especially if there was a baseball game on TV. But when a friend found herself facing a crisis pregnancy, it launched Steve on a journey from the couch to the center of a statewide firestorm as the hospital affiliated with his beloved alma mater secretly plotted to open a late term abortion center next to campus. This is When We Begin to Fight tells the inside story of how God used an ordinary guy to help lead a grassroots band of prayer warriors into spiritual battle against one of the most powerful entities in their state, all while struggling with infertility and miscarriage at home. This book will take you on an adventure and dare you to consider what God will do when YOU answer His call to stand up for the least of our brothers and sisters.