Texas Kingdoms
"Texas Kingdoms" is the 30-year story of two men, a woman, and a town.Will Stewart and Chance Evans come to Texas in 1851, on their way to the California gold fields. Will is poor and determined to make something of himself; Chance is a gambler, determined to separate fools from their money. The two men are attacked by Comanches, and Will is so badly wounded that he can travel no further. He and Chance are forced to winter where they are, and by the time spring comes, they’ve decided to stay in Texas and make their fortunes there. Will painstakingly begins to catch the wild cattle that roam the brush, while Chance sets up a tent by the road where he sells whiskey to travelers and takes their money at cards.Settlers arrive, among them the beautiful Hope Sommerville. Will and Chance both fall in love with Hope, who will get pregnant by one man and marry the other. As the years pass, Will’s handful of cows becomes a cattle empire, and Chance’s tent becomes Kingdom, wildest town on the Great Western Trail. Will, Chance, and Hope face Indian attacks, war, the loss of children, and the lawlessness of the post-Civil War West. Will’s love for Hope drives him to do great things, while Chance’s love casts him into a vortex of self-destruction and crime, and Hope learns what true love really means. Then one shocking act threatens to destroy them all.Spanning the period from the Comanche wars to the coming of the railroad and the end of the great cattle drives, "Texas Kingdoms" is a saga of love and friendship and the limits to which people will go for each one.