The Magic of Short Books: Discover a Unique & Different Kind of Book to Attract Your Ideal Customer
In era of ultra-short attention spans and time-strapped schedules, The Magic of Short Books presents a simple, yet thought-provoking idea for business owners and entrepreneurs who want to publish a book to promote themselves and their business. DON'T DO IT Instead, marketing expert Mike Capuzzi suggests a different path and more effective opportunity by publishing a shook(TM) or short book. Shooks are uniquely-designed books with a single, helpful focus that are faster to create and easier to read. They are a win-win for you and your readers.Inside The Magic of Short Books you will discover: -Why the old method of writing a 300+ page book is obsolete-How less is more when it comes to authoring a book for your business-The importance of enabling your readers to start and finish your book quickly-Why an information-first, Shook-Centric Customer Attraction System is the ideal way to attract affluent customers, clients or patients-A proven formula for creating your own shookBefore you think about writing a book for your business, invest an hour or so of your time and read The Magic of Short Books. It's short on purpose and will open your eyes to a better, faster and easier type of book.