Luminar 4 Step by Step: The Photographer's Guide to Learning Luminar
Learn how to process photos using Luminar 4 with this step-by-step masterclass book by Nicole S. Young. In the first three chapters, the book highlights nearly all of the features and tools within the software. Then, the remaining chapters show several start-to-finish processing examples of images and include a link to the full-size raw files for you to download and follow along on your own computer, and as well as several bonus start-to-finish video tutorials. Some of the things you'll find in this book: Read an overview of the panel and tool locations; Learn how to use Luminar 4 to process raw images from beginning to end; Discover the best tools to use with your photos; Replace a sky using the new AI Sky Replacement tool; Enhance color in portraits, still-life, and landscapes; Work with layers and masking to create beautiful composite images. Be sure to visit to read about Nicole's adventures and view more of her photographs.