Kalamata’s Orchard Adventure
"Kalamata's Kitchen is an outstanding children's series that encourages young readers to make positive and lasting memories with food. As a father and a chef, I can't overstate the value of engaging kids in culinary expeditions and exploring other cultures." -Eric Ripert, chef and co-owner of Le Bernardin
It's an apple-butter day when Kalamata and her Taste Buds head to the orchard!
Kalamata loves to taste her mama's food as they prepare meals together, but she and her Taste Buds must be patient when baked beans are on the menu. Luckily, their friend Chef Trevett arrives with something new and delicious to distract them from the tempting aromas wafting from the kitchen. Soon, Trevett's stories of apple picking have Kalamata and her Taste Buds escaping to a sun-filled orchard for a day of fun and flavorful adventure! Back with another tasty trip, the second book in the Kalamata series delivers more culinary crusades and family-friendly recipes!
Features Include:Thick, craft-quality paper stock
Durable stitched binding
Printed in the USA
Kalamata's Kitchen, LLC is a food adventure brand on a mission to create a more curious and compassionate generation of kids and grown-ups alike using food as a bridge to diverse experiences.