Broken and Blue: A Policeman's Guide To Health, Healing And Hope
Chief of Police, Scott Silverii, PhD shares over twenty-five years of life behind the thin blue line. He understands firsthand that danger, destruction and despair on the job leave many of America's finest broken. Broken and Blue: A Policeman's Guide to Health, Healing and Hope is the nation's leading resource for brothers in blue. Written by a cop, specifically for cops, Chief Silverii is not only an expert in police culture, but has overcome a life of personal pain caused by the same ideals police uphold as noble and defining of the alpha warrior tribe."Seeking help doesn't make you weak. It makes you whole, so you return stronger and better prepared to fight."Officers carry past personal pain from dysfunctional family lives, horrors seen on the job, or on the job injuries. Wrapping pain inside of body armor won't make it go away. The stress of serving the public only compounds the unresolved wounds caused by others. Police officers protect the public, but now is the time for them to protect themselves. Police officer depression, PTSD, addiction, domestic abuse and suicide continue to torment those who place others above themselves. Cops deserve better self-care, so they can provide better public service. Broken and Blue was created to help officers understand what it means to live a life of freedom from the pain of a broken past. Chief Silverii leads America's Finest from a sacrificial life of service toward a renewed beginning based on health, healing, and hope. Forward by Pastor Jimmy Evans, Founder of MarriageToday & XO MarriageLaw enforcement officers and their families live in a world of hurt, and that pain is accumulated over years of on the job trauma. LEOs and their spouses suffer, usually in silence, as the pain manifests into addiction, depression, alcoholism, suicide, and PTSD, just to name a few. When Scott asked me to write the foreword for this book, I was honored to do so, because during the course of decades of ministry and marriage counseling, I’ve seen what this pain can do to first responder marriages and families, and the destruction is very real. There are few resources available to help those who walk the thin blue line. There are even fewer resources that show you how to heal with Christ walking beside you. Scott has lived the life, he’s battled, and he’s been healed by the grace of God. There’s no one better to share with you and show you how God can turn your past pains into something incredible for His glory. Law enforcement officers and first responders everywhere should read this book, whether still on the job or retired. It gives hope, it gives healing, and it’ll change your life and the legacy of your family. Jimmy Evans