Ghetto to Ghetto: Yiddish & Jive in Everyday Life: Find out how Yiddish & Jive usage is pervasive in our midst!
Yiddish and Jive words have permeated every aspect of America life. Indeed, Americans of Jewish and African descent have contributed more words and phrases to today's common American English usage than any other known groups. This book is different in at least four ways from the numerous separate Yiddish and Jive dictionaries that have been published. First, this book cobbles together research on Yiddish and Jive terminology and behaviors into one book. Second, the Yiddish and Jive words described in this book have been adopted into mainstream usage in the United States and elsewhere in the world. Third, an inherent reason for juxtaposing Yiddish and Jive is that, in each culture, it is sometimes difficult to understand the essential meaning of what is being said through the verbal nuances from many years of regional, cultural, and generational influences. Fourth, this book is an offshoot of Professor Foster's earlier research and books entitled Ribbin', Jivin', and Playing the Dozens.