Revelation in the Fourth Gospel: And Eight Johannine Essays (Johannine Monograph Series)

Revelation in the Fourth Gospel: And Eight Johannine Essays (Johannine Monograph Series) image




Author(s): O'Day, Gail R.
Released: Mar 05, 2021
Publisher: Wipf and Stock
Format: Paperback, 328 pages
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About this Book:Gail R. O'Day's Revelation in the Fourth Gospel set the stage for a new literary paradigm in Johannine studies, which has carried over into disciplinary advances in gospel criticism overall. With the addition of eight key Johannine essays and a state-of-the-art introduction by Alan Culpepper, this new publication as Volume 9 in the Johannine Monograph Series advances a fuller appreciation of her important work on John and new-literary biblical analyses overall. From the Preface:What becomes apparent in an overview of Gail O'Day's work is her keen analysis of relations and functions of literary themes and features within the Gospel of John, as they further its rhetorical thrust, elucidating its meaning. Whereas diachronic approaches to John have tended to compartmentalize and divide sections and literary forms, O'Day shows time and again how things worked synchronically within John's story of Jesus, challenging misinterpretations and opening doors to understanding more fully its message. The present collection highlights the dialectics between narrative and theology, time and space, and characters and plot in the Fourth Gospel, clarifying their tensive presentations within this classic narrative.

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