Loony Limericks: Funny and Rude Limericks for Adults
Is life getting you down? Are you bored of the ever blurring boundaries between the areas of good taste, decency, etiquette and political correctness that have you questioning everything you say and do on a daily basis? Then why not let your naughty side out for a little while and treat yourself to a guilty pleasure in the form of a large assortment of funny and/or filthy limericks that ignore all these tiresome things and are therefore bound to put a smile on your face, cheer you up and cause you to have a much needed chuckle.
And once you've finished cheering yourself up, why not share said limericks with your friends, too. You could even invite them over for a few hours of harmless fun and frivolity one evening by breaking out the booze and the snacks and then reading them your favourite limericks in a range of silly voices. You could also pass the book around the room and use the Contents page to play Russian roulette, allowing your friends to read out whichever limericks take their fancy in a silly accent or voice, as well.