Here and Gone: Short-Lived Sports Teams and Leagues
One team was so strapped for cash it couldn't afford athletic tape for its players. Another team played in a stadium where the toilets wouldn't flush. Yet another team lost 16 games in a row before the roof of its arena caved in. Is it any wonder these teams were Here and Gone? From the late 19th Century to the present day, numerous teams and leagues have sprung up, only to collapse after a couple of years, or in some cases, a couple of months. The tales of their demise range from the astounding to the absurd. Inept management, terrible facilities with little to no creature comforts, poor finances, even criminal activity. The short, sad, head-scratching, and funny stories of these teams and leagues are all covered in this book. Find out . . . What famous Major League Baseball owner nearly ruined the post-season of a low level basketball league? What team played in five different cities, in one year? Who hired a biker gang to burn down his arena for the insurance money after his team went belly up? This is just a sample of the craziness you'll see in Here and Gone: Short-Lived Sports Teams and Leagues.