Fortune Reigns (Clay Warrior Stories)
Fortune Reigns, the 6th book in the Clay Warrior Stories series, is a tale of war, tactics, subterfuge and luck. And, one man's struggle to resurrect his reputation.Welcome to late 264 BCThe Legion is a machine of war. When the gears are turning, those not in sync with the machine get pulverized in the cogs. Most of the time, it's the enemy.Unfortunately, for Lance Corporal Alerio Sisera, the gears have political and egotistical parts that are just as sharp as gladius blades. Caught in the wrong place by vindictive officers, he is sentenced to a session on the punishment post and is badly injured. Wounded and disgraced, he must now save the same Legion that sentenced him to the harsh discipline. Where an average man might falter on the journey, Lance Corporal Sisera charges headlong into the fray. The fates have thrown down the challenges and Alerio faces each with his shield and gladius as he fights and prays that Fortune Reigns.Military Adventure both Future and Ancient by J. Clifton SlaterClay Warrior Stories seriesClay LegionarySpilled BloodBloody WaterReluctant SiegeBrutal DiplomacyFortune ReignsCall Sign Warlock seriesOp File RevengeOp File TreasonGalactic Council Realm seriesOn StationOn DutyOn GuardOn Point