S.P.Y. Society of Perceptive Youth: Discerning the Truth
Sonya had spent numerous fun-filled summers at Society of Perceptive Youth Camp (aka S.P.Y.). Now, her role has changed. Sonya has received the opportunity to work a summer job as a youth counselor at the spy themed camp; however, just as she and her fellow youth workers depart for the two weeks of counselor training, the camp administrators announce that there are fewer job positions available than originally arranged. Sonya is shocked to learn that even after she had been accepted, her position is now at stake. The prospective youth counselors will be competing over the course of the training camp to obtain a position at S.P.Y. They will be reselected based on their performance during training and must discover the fictional mole planted by S.P.Y. who is "sabotaging" camp. As they continue their training, strange events begin to play out. Sonya suspects that not everything is as it seems. Is the mole really working alone? Or, is there someone else orchestrating these events without S.P.Y.'s knowledge? With her job at stake, will Sonya be able to discern the truth in time?