The Way to Power and Poise: Revised Edition
This book has been written in the same form as Victorious Living, Abundant Living, and The Way—a page a day for those who want to use it as a daily devotional; a weekly study for those who wish to use it as a basis for class study, for I have endeavored to give a more or less complete study each week; and a book to be read straight through as an ordinary book, for there is one theme running through the whole—the Way to power and poise.To my readers who are committed Christians, I would suggest that you read the book straight through, but to those who are not inwardly committed to the Christian Way, I would suggest that you read through Chapter IV and then skip over to Chapter XXVII, read to the end, and then come back and take up Chapters V to XXVI. The reason for this recommendation will unfold as you go along. - E. Stanley Jones