Fertile Ground: Faith and Work Field Guide for Youth Pastors (FWE Foundational Series)
Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and youth pastors. What do they all have in common? An opportune placement to be at the front lines of youth formation.
In the midst of rapid growth and change, youth are in a pivotal season. While they can most often be influenced by competing cultural narratives around them, youth pastors are similarly placed as a voice above all the clicks, shares, and noise that fills teenagers' days and weeks.
Authors of Fertile Ground break down the five "hats" youth pastors wear as they disciple students to better integrate their faith with all of life, including work. Youth pastors serve as theologian, guidance counselor, psychologist, liturgist, and cultural facilitator, and each of these roles gives them a unique lens to navigate the trenches of youth culture, including how to help students connect faith and work both within the classroom and once they enter the workforce.
We believe work needs a new story, even for teenagers. Fertile Ground will help you lead and care for the teenagers in your congregation as they figure out who they're becoming.