Drama Workshop: Teaching Drama to Beginning Actors
"Every theatre director should have this valuable guide on their bookshelf." - John Lee Welton, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus Of Theatre, Carson-Newman University, Jefferson City, Tennessee
Jump-start your drama troupe, class, or next theatrical production with this fun, hands-on, interactive workshop to train your actors. The workshop covers the essential acting lessons that every actor needs to be at ease on stage. Easy to lead and implement, Drama Workshop will:
- Serve as basic training for your actors. Even if you have team members with previous experience in theatre, the workshop will get everybody on the same page.
- Give you an opportunity to establish the rules of the stage and rehearsal, and define the roles of the actor and the director.
- Allow you to scope the talent in your group and can serve as informal audition.
- Promote team-building. The very experience of being together for a day/week of intense training will accomplish much in unifying your team and building trust among the members.
Drama Workshop is the training that Chuck Neighbors has conducted for theater companies, schools, and church drama groups in 18 countries on 6 continents over the past 45 years. The workshop has helped train hundreds of actors, from beginners just starting out, to professional performers working in stage and film. It is a great resource drama teachers and directors, theater troupes, schools, churches and homeschool groups. Note: this book is an updated version of Drama Now! (Lillenas Publishing 2005).