My knowledge is the things I have learned over 50 years of studying ancient history, and the focus is on Atlantis and her colonies around the world. The big Elongated skulls that are often seen on the so called aliens, are actually a sign of those that ruled them all. That my fellow historians are the Atlanteans from Atlantis, to Akhenaten a major leader of ancient egypt. In ancient India, the leaders had alot of elongated skulls creatures around too. Actually the giant skulls have been found all over Europe, at Rome and Geece, Russia and Germanny too. The Atlanteans instructed all the ancient cities of the middle east. Plato's Atlantis was real, and the survivors scattered throughout the world, and worked to bring the humans up. The stone cities in S. america were part of Atlantis and allways near the gold. This was for their aircraft and space vehicles. The Masterpiece is also the complete history of the Vikings from Atlantis to modern day. When Nazi Germany in wwll, began to roam the world, they were in search of ancient treasures, and ancient artifats. Their travels took them all over the world, and in tibet they found the jacpot. they recieved golden maps of Antartica and were told by the high priests where Atlantis was. The high command set off for Antarctia with many of their new submarines and escort ships. On the submarines the high command all joined, the wise ones, the Illuminati were there in force. Hitler too was there,and he of course was very happy. The subs went under the ice and surfaced, and some crashed through the ice. They could not believe they had found it,but they had. much was frozen, but not all. Technology was advanced of course, but stlll taken. hell with Roswell they took 100 saucers back to Germany. Get the Book,and you will be happy.