Becoming the Lord's First Responder: Enhance Your Christlike Ministering by Tuning in to Your Spiritual Senses
Tuning in to our spiritual senses can help us become the Lord's first responders and make usmore effective in our Christlike ministering. This book contains over one hundred scriptures andquotes related to feeling the promptings of the Holy Ghost that help us to be the ministeringhands of the Lord here on earth. These quotes and scriptures are divided into five separatecategories: feelings, ears, eyes, thought, and tongue (FEETT). Through scriptures, stories,quotes from the Apostles and Prophets, and suggestions for applying ministering principles, thisbook will help to fine-tune your spiritual senses. As we take steps to learn our unique languagefor communicating with the Lord and ministering to others, we are better able to do His work."When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." DO THE WORK!About the Author:Tamara A. Fackrell is a popular BYU Education Week speaker and speaks throughout the nationon topics of marriage, parenting, divorce, character education, conflict resolution, negotiation,and communication. Tamara is an attorney who has specialized in mediation for the last twentyyears, and her focus is bringing peace to conflict, especially within families. After practicing lawfor ten years, Tamara spent four years working to receive her PhD in marriage, family, andhuman development to learn more about the research surrounding family issues. Tamarataught part-time at the J. Reuben Clark Law School for fourteen years. She is also the author ofThe Potentially Sane Mother's Guide to Raising Young Children; Should I Try to Work It Out? AGuidebook for Individuals and Couples at the Crossroads of Divorce; My Romance Journal;Developing Your Love Map: 365 Questions to Ask Before and After Marriage, Be a GoodListener, Be a Trusted Friend: Don't Gossip, Overcoming the Automatic No: Being Patient, StopBullying: The Triple Stop-It Method Six More Techniques, Keeping Your Cool: Over Twenty-fiveAnger Management Strategies for Kids, and Building Positive Self-Esteem: Keeping Your AlohaAlive. Tamara has six children and has been married to her high school sweetheart and love ofher life, Jake, for over twenty-five years.