But I Have Called You Friends: Reflections on the Art of Christian Friendship
“The common denominator for every kind of love there is”: so Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C., says of friendship. In eight simple yet profound reflections, But I Have Called You Friends discourses on Christian friendship, its nature and necessity in every vocation, its challenges and its joys. Originally delivered in the late 1960s and early 1970s to the Poor Clares in Roswell, New Mexico, the benefit of these reflections is by no means limited to that time and place; rather, as stated in the Foreword, their “timeless principles of friendship” will “help anyone who seeks a deepened understanding of the mystery of loving and being loved.”
Succinct and inspiring, But I Have Called You Friends is ideal reading for those living or discerning the vocations of marriage, priesthood, or religious life, as well as for all who have heard Christ’s invitation to friendship with him.