One Conscious Breath: A wild tale of an adventure into peace
Pappy built the life he thought he should, on wealth, faith and family, but it left him feeling hollow. He would risk it all to reach a greater prize – the simple satisfaction we all need. On a wilderness journey, Pappy searched his soul, searched for God, and searched for a home. With Christian thinkers, spiritual leaders, philosophers, mountains and rivers as his teachers, he would learn how to craft an emotionally healthy spirituality rooted in present moment awareness, freed from fear and guilt.\nPappy’s story, closely based on the real life of the author, shows a way toward inner peace and happiness, toward spiritual joy and freedom, toward complete wellbeing, regardless of the circumstances that life throws at you. Its example shows that wisdom is not in knowing where your journey leads, but in choosing what you carry close and what you leave behind.\nOne.Conscious.Breath is a fun story, an enjoyable read and emotional ride, packed with timeless lessons for anyone who wants more from life but can’t find how to start. It can help you find the peace that lies within.