JustCoding’s Guide to Emergency Department Coding (JCECTH2)
The emergency department (ED) is a fast-paced environment that presents unique coding and billing challenges. Department operating hours, missing patient information or nonspecific documentation, and a lack of standardized guidelines for facility E/M leveling make coding for ED services a difficult task. In addition, confusion over CPT coding guidelines can result in payer audits and lost revenue. JustCoding's Guide to Emergency Department Coding will help coders by clearly explaining how to interpret CPT codes and coding guidelines to accurately report procedures performed in the ED and billed by the facility. The book guides coders through assigning the most specific CPT E/M codes for both physician and facility services. It also offers detailed CPT coding and reporting guidance for integumentary and musculoskeletal procedures commonly provided in the ED and billed by the facility. The final chapter breaks down complex documentation and coding requirements for hospital intravenous injection and infusion services.