Lombard Street: A Novel
Diving to the very depths of human feeling and then scrambling desperately to the surface for that last breath of air, Lombard Street weaves the riveting tale of a man's dangerous and emotional journey through marriage, addiction, madness, countless misfires, and across seas of broken promises from San Francisco to Singapore to Hong Kong. "When I got home that evening all the finished paintings and drawings had disappeared from the apartment and the large Haitian canvas had been returned, though Janet made no mention of it. "So perhaps this obsession had run its course and apparently she'd lost her passion for the whole Voodoo episode although two of Harold's books still sat on her nightstand in the bedroom. The less said the better about these seemingly unexplained things, I thought to myself. "In the past some unfortunate things had happened to us, we didn't have children for one. And we had tried for years, particularly those first few years. "She had suffered a devastating miscarriage some time ago, and that had forced a striking change in her manner though subtle at first."