Chronicles of The Treasury
Artist and now author, Codye Reystead, has written and painted the first in a series of full color books. Chronicles of the Treasury is a prophetic word that is descriptively written to draw a picture in the mind s eye of our individual identity and destiny with God, as well as how that fits into the corporate body. The images drawn by the author s prophetic voice are powerful and authoritative, while they serve to impress the importance of calling into the life of the reader. The narrative includes a teaching on eradicating fear and the call by which one sets upon their journey through life, with permission granted to walk boldly into unchartered waters with the strength of God at the helm. This book is full of wisdom, while providing imagery that enables the reader to feel as though they are walking directly into this vision, receiving their anointing to go forth and function with their original intent from creation. The voice of God is powerful and alive in this vision and the call to the future is clear.