Hebrews: The Book of Better Things
This is an exposition of the book of Hebrews, the book of “better things”. This book, to the Hebrews, became necessary because of the weakness of the Jewish Christians in continuing to go along with the old temple worship, rites, and ceremonies. They still insisted on practicing circumcision, making the sacrificial offerings at the temple in Jerusalem, and trying to Christianize Judaism. But the new wine of Jesus Christ and His truth and life would not fit in to the old order of Moses.Thirty years after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus we still find the Jewish Christians following the Law of Moses and the ceremonial ritualism of temple worship. Thirty years after the Holy Spirit fell on the day of Pentecost, thousands of Spirit-filled priests and Jewish Christians were still engaged in the offering up of the Passover lamb and other blood sacrifices. The writer of Hebrews is trying to show them the glory of the reality in Christ Jesus and the “better things" in the Gospel.