Sons of God Awake
In this visionary and ground-breaking book, Bill Britton describes the “unfolding revelation of Jesus Christ in His Sons,” the corporate Body of Christ on earth, and provides a tantalizing glimpse of a new dimension of ministry not yet fully manifested where the Sons of God will break through “the veil” of the Holy of Holies into the full experience of Sonship. We know this is true because Jesus, the Pattern Son, has already entered into this realm as our Forerunner, and where Jesus goes, His Sons will follow.In six concise and compelling chapters, the author presents a stunning picture of a “ministry without limitation” that will be entered into by fully mature Sons of God. This soon-to-be-revealed ministry will operate in a new dimension beyond justification and Holy Spirit baptism, the first two crucial steps; a realm of life and restoration, for which all creation yearns. Jesus Himself, in His deity and humanity, brought a taste of heaven to earth and revealed His plan to share His glory with “a Company of Sons conformed to His image.” Jesus is the 41st generation from King David in Matthew chapter one. This Company of Sons is the 42nd generation, with whom and through whom He will rule over all things.