The Smart Seeker's Guide to Spiritual Bullshit
Do you roll your eyes at Be positive! Be happy! and Just let it go!? Are you tired of the Universe being responsible for everything? Feel like a failure because you can't manifest everything you want in an afternoon? Don't worry, you're not crazy. You may just be wriggling free from the hypnotic grip of spiritual bullshit. And fair play to you; it can be strangely compelling. The truth is that the spiritual path is as nuanced and frustrating as it is beautiful and fulfilling. The danger is that as we enthusiastically rush to share our new found spiritual wisdom, we unwittingly pass more and more bullshit around. So how do you clear the crap off your spiritual path? Join life-long spiritual seeker (and finder) Sue Fitzmaurice as she wades valiantly through a monumental pile of it in search of answers. Packed with insight and more than a few belly laughs, let The Smart Seeker's Guide to Spiritual Bullshit be your life raft and guide. Dear Seeker, sanity lies within.