Dark Light of the Soul
About the Author\nEliezer Sobel is also the author of:\nBlue Sky, White Clouds: A Book for Memory-Challenged Adults, and L'Chaim: Pictures to Evoke Memories of Jewish Life. Among 20,000 books for caregivers, these are some of the only books around for the patient. Simple picture books, they require no memory to read and enjoy. If you are caring for a loved one with dementia, these books provide a shared activity that can stimulate tender moments of connection regardless of their stage of memory-loss.\nThe 99th Monkey: A Spiritual Journalist's Misadventures with Gurus, Messiahs, Sex, Psychedelics and Other Consciousness-Raising Experiments, the tale of the author's hilarious and poignant 30-year journey that regularly took him from the sublime to the insane in equal measure.
Minyan: Ten Jewish Men in a World That is Heartbroken, winner of the Peter Taylor Prize for the Novel among 400 entries, selected by National Book Award winner John Casey, Ten middle-aged guys in NYC searching for God, women and a decent corned beed on rye.\nWild Heart Dancing: A Personal One-Day Quest to Liberate the Artist & Lover Within, designed to awaken and unleash the reader's dormant creativity in a one-day, at-home self-retreat.\nWhy I Am Not Enlightened, an e-book that will make you feel better about failing to be a Perfectly Realized Master.\nMordecai's Book, an e-book about a fictional Jewish mystical poet, lifted from the pages of Minyan.\nThe Manual of Good Luck, long out of print.\nEliezer blogs on PsychologyToday.com, and has led creativity intensives and meditation retreats around the United States. He is married to Shari Cordon and resides in Red Bank, NJ.\nSee details of all the above on eliezersobel dot com slash books.\nThe late Gabrielle Roth was the source and force behind a worldwide community of many thousands of people who loved and practiced "The 5Rhythms ®," a path of spiritual healing rooted in the body and movement (see 5Rhythms.com). This book is a collection of personal stories from about 170 of those people from every corner of the globe, relating intimate and powerful, unforgettable and often life-changing moments they experienced engaging with Gabrielle. She was known far and wide for being outrageous, profound, hilarious, mysterious and impenetrable, as well as utterly transparent, vulnerable, and completely attentive, present and loving with each soul she encountered. Everyone she met, for a moment on the street, or for decades doing her work, felt, above all, seen, and connected as if to a very special, life-long friend.