The Black River
"The Black River" is a work of fiction, a psychological thriller to be exact. The fact that it could have happened is not that farfetched. Any time we delve into the mysteries of the human mind, we marvel at our saneness. After all, the human brain has over 100 billion nerve cells called neurons that communicate with other neurons through a substance called neuro-transmitters. This enables us to do all of the things that we consider humanly possible -- drink a cup of coffee, climb a mountain, or if we're one of the lucky ones, calculate the size of the universe. It is here where sanity and insanity are controlled by DNA, life experiences, medication, street drugs, sex, and fate. The human brain serves as a hotbed for the characters. The main character is Dr. Tianna Smith, a psychologist who suffers from a serious mental illness. Each character is pictured as a sane individual with the typical social interactions that humans face. As the story develops, the secrets will gradually unfold, providing the reader with a clear understanding of where we are headed.