In The Know: Turning Your Unneeded Life Insurance Policy Into Serious Cash
Is your life insurance still serving its vital purpose? Or has that objective come and gone, leaving you with an unnecessary expense?
If you've been thinking about walking away or surrendering your policy, we've got news for you. There's another option that most financial advisors don't even know about. You may be able to sell your policy to a third party for a whole lot more than its cash surrender value. That's right. That unneeded insurance policy is actually an asset that can be worth significant money when offered to the right people in the right way. In the Know spells out how these life settlements work, who's eligible, and how to choose a professional with the necessary expertise to work with.
This could be your chance of a lifetime. If you're still paying for a life insurance policy you no longer need or want, you owe it to yourself to check out this opportunity.
You'd rather watch paint dry than read about potentially profiting from your life insurance policy? Think again. This story-driven book is actually fun to read.