Salvage Mother (The Coalition)
Across the galaxy, hell hath no fury like a mother protecting her young, no matter the race!\nHarmon Tomeral and the crew of Salvage Title embark on an exploration of an anomalous system discovered by young Bahroot. Unlike the vast majority of gated systems, this one was not on the list of coordinates publicly available on the Galactic Network.\nMeanwhile, Siva, a fighter pilot and new mother in a binary system on the edge of the galaxy is forced to make a decision. She chooses to do what it takes to save her babies…at all costs.\nWith Salvage Fleet repaired and growing, training is ongoing for the newest fleet members. Salvage System is quiet and its allies are experiencing the same, so Harmon decides a little old fashioned salvaging is called for.\nAn unknown system with no gate usage in centuries. What could go wrong?