Basics of Fish Farming for the beginners: Easy part-time business from your backyard
Basics of Fish Farming for the Beginners describes the basics of designing and operating a small-scale fish farm. It is very useful for beginners as almost all the necessary techniques are explained clearly. It is also easily understandable for all. The major contents are as follows:1. Farm Designing 2. Pond Preparation 3. Water Culture 4. Seed Selection and Stocking 5. Highlights of the Proposed Species6. Water Quality Management7. Feed Management 8. Growth Assessment9. Predator Control10. Disease Management 11. Harvesting and MarketingApart from the above, the following annexures are also given to readers to make them understand more:1. Photos of Major Aquaculture Species, 2. Farm Design Lay-Out,3. 3D Design of the Sluice Gate, 4. Farm Costing Sheet,5. Expected Profitability, etc.The author describes three decades of practical experience in a scientific way. Also enumerated are the common aquaculture methods and the types of aquaculture based on the culture system and the type of water (i.e. freshwater, brackish water and marine).