Gay Sleeping Arrangements: Patchwork Quilts for Men Who Love Men
Got a spare bedroom? A finished basement? A friend with a bit of extra space?
If so, imagine seeing a huge, fat cock on your bed, shooting a beautiful load, night after night after night.
Or a speakeasy window in the shape of a dick.
Or maybe a stud finder that really does find hunky men!
Johnny Townsend, author of Quilting Beyond the Rainbow, offers up a second collection of nearly 100 original gay quilt designs.
While piecing together patchwork quilts can take up a good bit of space as well as a fair amount of time, it's fun to create sexy gay artwork you can enjoy every evening, alone or with company.
If you get moist when you see a new cotton print that would make an absolutely fabulous patch, Gay Sleeping Arrangements is for you!