The Seen and the Unseen: Our Problems, His Presence
Life can be upsettingly capricious, dumping unexpected circumstances on our doorstep, obligating us to deal with them. In those bewildering moments, we tend to respond to the problems we see instead of to the God we cannot see. Yet His Guiding Hand is upon our life. St. Paul wrote, “For we walk by faith, and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV). Come and learn to see through the eyes of faith.
Jerry Crossley pastored churches for more than half a century, serving congregations in the mountains, small towns, the city, and a little village. En route, he also has served as chaplain to a civil air patrol squadron, a volunteer fire department, a prison, local hospitals, and a retirement community. Each year of his life, he has found the Gospel increasingly compelling.