Lessons From the Least of These: The Woodson Principles
As seen on Tucker Carlson!
Become the agent of your own uplift.
This book is about "the least among us," and the extraordinary power of grassroots leaders who are transforming the lives of forgotten men and women in the most toxic neighborhoods. The strategies they applied in healing the most desperate communities also hold the key to healing our divided and empty nation today. From the lessons he has learned from witnessing the work of committed neighborhood leaders, Robert Woodson has gleaned ten fundamental principles that should be applied to uplift not only those who are at the bottom rung of society, but also people of means who experience the emptiness of life without meaning and purpose. Bob walks the reader through his discovery of each of these life-changing precepts and, along the way, we discover how each of us can experience new value in our lives and be empowered to contribute to our world.
In reading, you will understand what it takes to overcome adversity and transform people from the inside out. You will feel inspired to adopt these longstanding, proven values that have generated astonishing long-term results in reshaping lives and homes. Equipped with the information, you will discover a whole new way of approaching revitalization of the world you serve as well as your own life.
God does not choose the capable; He chooses the called and then makes them capable.