Vitamin B (For Business): Your one-a-day supplement for improvement in business and leadership
What Can You Do In One Year?
Author, entrepreneur, and thought leader Andy Bailey catalogues in his new book, Vitamin B (For Business), daily lessons and guides for business leaders aspiring to make significant changes in their companies, communities, and lives.
Effective leadership isn't one and done. It requires a daily effort and mindfulness. By learning how to take small steps, and breaking down big priorities into manageable actions, this book will help you become the leader you want to be.
When you put your mind to it and consistently put in the work, anything can be achieved. The same is true for this book. Most people don't get excited about reading another business book, but reading one page every day? That's easily doable, and your goals are, too.
You don't have to start reading on New Year's Day. Start on whatever day works best for you. But once you start, you have to keep going. Working through the concepts in these pages each day will allow you to become a better leader, a better entrepreneur, and a better person. Isn't that what we all want?